Atlas Has Options for Everyone

Our ownership programs provide homeowners with $0 down payment financing options. This allows you to seamlessly transition to renewable energy without the overhead. Upon installation, you can say goodbye to your current utility provider - from here on, every monthly payment will go towards building equity in your home.


Our Purchase Power Agreement is ideal for homeowners who are tired of paying high utility rates and are looking for a more sustainable, less expensive alternative. The PPA is the quickest and easiest way to make the switch to renewable energy. With no down payment or premiums required, the PPA is effectively a bill swap with your current utility provider.

Purchase Power Agreement (PPA)

Instead of paying for power every month, our lease program provides homeowners and commercial enterprises with the opportunity to pay for equipment rather than energy. Less common, this program is ideal for those located in the southern U.S. with a perfect roof and optimal sun exposure. This program may also be lucrative for those unqualified to claim the federal solar tax credit.


Not sure which option is best for you? One of your experts will point you in the right direction.

Does your home qualify for our no cost upfront solar program?